What is sub editing?

Sub-editing, also known as copy-editing, is the process of reviewing and revising written material in order to improve its accuracy, clarity, and readability. This can include correcting grammar and punctuation, checking facts, and ensuring consistency in style and formatting. Sub-editors also often re-write sentences to make them clearer or more concise. It is an essential step in the process of creating polished and professional written content.

Sub editing process includes number of tasks

This process can include a number of different tasks, such as:

Correcting grammar and punctuation errors:

Sub-editors will check for and correct any mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Fact-checking: Sub-editors will verify the accuracy of any facts or statistics included in the text. They will also check that any sources cited are reliable and properly formatted.


Sub-editors will ensure that the text is consistent in terms of style, formatting, and terminology. This includes checking that headings and subheadings are consistent, that dates and numbers are consistent and that the text is free of jargon or confusing terminology.


Sub-editors will often re-write sentences to make them clearer, more concise, or to better flow with the overall text.
Layout: Sub-editors will also ensure that the text is properly laid out, with appropriate headings, subheadings and bullet points, where appropriate.


Sub-editors will also mark up the manuscript to indicate where illustrations, captions, and pull quotes are to be placed, as well as any special formatting such as bold or italic type, or changes in font size.

Overall, sub-editing is an important step in the process of creating written content that is accurate, clear, and easy to read. It is the final step before the manuscript is ready for typesetting, printing or publishing.

‘Unsung Heroes’

Sub-editors are often referred to as ‘unsung heroes’ because their work is vital to the final product, yet often goes unrecognized. Sub-editing is a critical step in the process of creating polished and professional written content, but it is often done behind the scenes, and the finished product is attributed to the author or editor.

Sub-editors are responsible for ensuring that the text is accurate, clear, and easy to read. They correct grammar and punctuation, check facts, and ensure consistency in style and formatting. They also re-write sentences to make them clearer or more concise. Their work ensures that the final product is error-free and that the readers can understand the text easily.

They work on a tight deadline, often have to juggle multiple projects at a time, and are responsible for maintaining the publication’s standards and style. They are also responsible for making the text ready for the next step in the process of publishing, which is typesetting and printing.


Finally, sub-editors play a vital role in ensuring that the final product is of high quality and is ready for publication, but their contributions are often not acknowledged or recognized in the same way as those of the author or editor. So often they called as ‘unsung heroes’.

Michelle C. Perry
About the author

Michelle C. Perry is a talented writer and editor with a passion for journalism. She has worked in the industry for several years, honing her skills in writing, research, and editing. She is known for her ability to take complex information and turn it into engaging and accessible content that resonates with readers.

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