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Top journalism schools for aspiring journalists

A quality journalism education is crucial for aspiring reporters in today’s complex media landscape. More than just learning how to write a compelling lead or shoot B-roll, modern journalism school provides a comprehensive blueprint for navigating an increasingly sophisticated industry. From day one, students work to understand ethical guidelines not merely as abstract ideals, but … Read more

Can journalists work from home?

Journalism is a different kind of profession. They have to work under many adverse conditions. Even when they are not in the office, they have to work. One of the new realities that COVID-19 has brought before us is office work from outside the office. Journalists are not exempt from this reality, they have to … Read more

Are Column and News the same

Many people don’t recognize the content of newspapers. They can’t tell which one column and which one news article. Let us clear the difference column and news article. Column and news article are two distinct forms of journalism that serve different purposes. News article is a factual and objective report of an event. It includes … Read more

What is Multimedia Journalism

The landscape of modern media represents a radical departure from the past where journalism rarely ventured beyond ink and paper. Today, telling stories increasingly involves creative multimedia digital techniques aimed at more deeply and viscerally engaging audiences. For aspiring journalists, mastering these versatile narrative tools promises exciting new professional horizons brimming with possibility. At its … Read more

What is Reporting?

In journalism, reporting refers to the process of gathering and presenting information to inform the public about events, issues, and topics of interest. Journalistic reporting is a critical component of the news media, and it plays an important role in keeping people informed and holding those in power accountable. Reporters typically gather information through interviews, … Read more

What is Feature Article?

Knowing all the contents of the newspaper is very important. For example, journalists must recognize which is Editorial, which is Hard Report and which is Investigative Report item. Among these contents, a very special type is the feature article. What exactly is a feature article? The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary states, feature article is ‘something important, … Read more

What is Storytelling in News?

Storytelling in news refers to the use of narrative techniques to convey news stories in a way that captures the audience’s attention and makes the story more engaging and memorable. The goal of storytelling in news is to make the story more relatable and understandable to the audience, often by focusing on human interest aspects … Read more

What is breaking news

Flashing red- ‘Breaking News!’ The urgent banner promises fresh information on some pressing crisis. Within seconds, screens flood with live dispatches, video feeds and social media reactions to some newly erupted calamity. Though the 24/7 barrage of ‘breaking’ developments often blurs into a muddled stream, true urgent events still surface that warrant immediate attention. Because … Read more

Are journalists and columnists the same

The pen may be mightier than the sword, but ask a writer if their words swing as a journalistic rapier or a polemic battle-axe and distinct contrasts emerge. While subtle from a distance, examining journalism vs. column writing up close reveals divergent reporting philosophies – if not competing schools of thought entirely. The archetypal journalist … Read more

Why journalism is important

At its best, journalism gives regular people like us the honest information we need to understand what’s really happening in our towns, country, and even the world. Good reporters shine light on issues that powerful people try to hide, fuel oversight of shady behavior, and amplify voices that might otherwise go unheard. Reporting done right … Read more