How to be a good interviewer journalist

A journalistic interview is a conversation between a journalist and a subject of a news story. The purpose of a journalistic interview is to gather information, quotes, and other details that can be used in a news article or broadcast. Journalists may conduct interviews with a wide range of people, including government officials, business leaders, experts, and general citizens.

Journalistic interviews can take place in person, over the phone, or via email or other electronic communication. In an interview, the journalist typically asks a series of questions and the subject responds with answers. The journalist may also follow up on the subject’s responses with additional questions or clarification.

Journalistic interviews are an important tool for journalists because they allow them to gather accurate and reliable information that can be used to inform their reporting. It is important for journalists to be prepared and professional in their interviews, and to adhere to ethical standards in their reporting.

  1. Prepare your interview: Before you meet your interviewee, you should do your research. Read up on the person you are interviewing, his/her background and career. You should also review any press releases, articles, research papers or other documents he/she may have published. This will help you come up with the right questions to ask.
  2. Research the person you are interviewing: Know as much as you can about the person and his/her work before the interview. This will help you ask informed and relevant questions.
  3. Prepare a list of questions: Having a list of questions can help you stay focused during the interview and ensure that you cover all the topics you want to address.
  4. Be respectful and professional: Show respect for the person you are interviewing by being punctual, well-prepared and respectful of their time.
  5. Listen carefully: Once your interviewee has answered a question, listen closely and don’t rush to the next question. Listen to answers and follow up with additional questions if necessary. This will show your interviewee that you are really engaged in the conversation.
  6. Keep an open mind: Be open to the possibility that the person you are interviewing may have different perspectives or experiences than you do.
  7. Ask good questions: Good interviewers ask questions that are probing, thought-provoking, and that allow the interviewee to be open and honest.
  8. Avoid leading questions: Avoid asking questions that suggest a particular answer. Instead, try to ask open-ended questions that allow the person to fully express their thoughts and feelings.
  9. Be ethical: As a journalist, it is important to adhere to ethical standards in your reporting. This includes accurately representing the person’s words and not manipulating the interview in any way.
  10. Be patient: Interviewing can be a slow process. It’s important to be patient and allow the interviewee to answer the questions in full without interruption.
  11. Show empathy: Interviewing can be an emotional process. Show your interviewee that you understand their feelings and be respectful of their opinions.
  12. Take notes: Taking notes during an interview is essential. It helps you remember key points of the conversation and will be useful for writing up the interview after it’s finished.
  13. Be flexible: Be open to changing your line of questioning based on the direction of the conversation. This can help you uncover new information and keep the interview engaging.
  14. Be fair: Present both sides of the story and avoid taking sides. It is important to be unbiased and objective as a journalist.
  15. Follow up: After the interview is over, make sure to follow up with any additional questions or requests. This shows that you took the interview seriously and that you care about the outcome.

Final thoughts

Being a good interviewer journalist takes a lot of skill and practice. It’s not an easy job and it’s important to understand the techniques that will make you an effective interviewer. Here are some tips on how to be a good interviewer journalist:

By following these tips, you can be a good interviewer and produce informative, fair, and accurate journalism.

Robert S. Erickson
About the author

Robert S. Erickson is a seasoned journalist with over two decades of experience in the field. He has covered a wide range of topics including politics, business, and international affairs, earning a reputation for his insightful reporting and incisive writing.

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