What is Feature Article?

Knowing all the contents of the newspaper is very important. For example, journalists must recognize which is Editorial, which is Hard Report and which is Investigative Report item. Among these contents, a very special type is the feature article.

What exactly is a feature article? The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary states, feature article is ‘something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing.’

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) says, a feature is a longer piece of writing than a news story. Features come in many different types and are widely used in magazines, newspapers and online. A feature will often cover an issue in greater depth than a news story would do; or it might look at an ongoing story from a different angle.

We find many such definitions of feature articles. Actually, a feature story is a type of story that focuses on a specific topic or subject in a more in-depth and narrative way. Unlike hard news stories that are usually written in a concise and straightforward style, feature stories are often longer and more detailed, with a focus on storytelling and a personal connection to the topic.
Feature stories can be found in a wide range of publications, including magazines, newspapers, and online news sites. They often cover a variety of topics, including human interest stories, profiles of individuals or organizations, investigative reports, reviews of books or movies, and more.

The key characteristic of a feature story is its narrative structure, which is designed to engage readers and draw them into the story. Feature stories often use descriptive language, anecdotes, quotes, and other storytelling techniques to create a vivid picture of the topic being discussed.

Feature stories may also be accompanied by photos or other multimedia elements, such as videos or interactive graphics, to enhance the reader’s experience and understanding of the topic. This kind of stories provide readers with a more detailed and immersive look at a specific topic, and can be a powerful way to engage and inform audiences.

The main difference between a feature story and a hard news story is the way in which they are written and the type of information they provide.

A hard news story is typically a brief and straightforward report on an event or situation that has just happened, often with a focus on the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of the story. Hard news stories are generally shorter in length and more focused on delivering the facts of the story as quickly and efficiently as possible, without much in the way of personal opinion or analysis.

On the other side, a feature story is a more in-depth and narrative-style story that focuses on a specific topic or subject in greater detail. Feature stories may be longer in length and provide more context, background, and analysis than hard news stories. They often include personal anecdotes, expert opinions, and a more engaging writing style that aims to draw the reader in and create an emotional connection with the topic being discussed.

Another important difference is the timing of when the story is published. Hard news stories are typically published as soon as possible after the event has occurred, while feature stories may be written and published over a longer period of time, as the writer conducts research, interviews, and gathers information.

Closing remarks

However, the main difference between a feature story and a hard news story is their purpose and writing style. While hard news stories aim to deliver the facts of an event or situation quickly and efficiently, feature stories focus on providing a deeper understanding of a particular topic or subject, often with a more engaging and personal writing style.

Michelle C. Perry
About the author

Michelle C. Perry is a talented writer and editor with a passion for journalism. She has worked in the industry for several years, honing her skills in writing, research, and editing. She is known for her ability to take complex information and turn it into engaging and accessible content that resonates with readers.

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